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Primary Services


Our primary services are available throughout the year, scheduled in advance, and designed to meet the needs of high-paced, stressful lives that we all tend to lead. Our services include:



Performed by a team of highly specialized, qualified, experienced, and sensitive therapists, who practice Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) that promotes mental and emotional healing by encouraging people to direct compassion towards themselves and others. With the belief that compassion is an emotional response central to well-being, CFT uses a developmental framework to address several core forms of emotional wounding. Some of the aspects of psychotherapy utilized in this approach include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), developmental psychology, social psychology and spiritual philosophy. 

Project Arc


This is a three-part workshop in which healing is promoted through storytelling, encouraging participants to redevelop their life’s narrative and empower themselves by recognizing their shadow selves and balancing their emotional side, inner critic, and logical side.

E-SWOT Analysis


A workshop that directs a well-known management technique of Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis to one’s own emotional health. Identifying our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats enables us to release old patterns of behaviour that do not benefit us and recreate new ones, promoting emotional healing and well-being.

Flow Writing/ Journaling Workshops


These workshops are designed to unclog the subconscious mind through writing. Participants are initiated into the tried and tested act of healing through journaling, using a systematic approach, and support is provided to help them make journaling a part of their personal routine. 

Body Image Workshops


In today’s social media culture, where individuals often find themselves pressured to “look” a certain way, body dysmorphia and body image issues are extremely real and problematic. Body image workshops are directed toward individuals who have been dealing with unhealthy coping mechanisms related to their body image. The goal of these workshops is to enable body acceptance, create a healthier body image, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.

Sound Therapy and Chakra Meditation


These workshops are designed to promote healing through sound therapy, using singing bowls, gongs and other therapeutic music. Guided meditation techniques are also used to promote well-being. 

Art Therapy


With the understanding that artful expression can penetrate areas of the mind where words cannot reach or do not suffice, these workshops are designed to guide participants to unleash their creativity and channel it to achieve catharsis and create


The GNC Tribe


The GNC tribe is an endeavor to create a safe and

non-judgmental space to seek and offer support to a community of well-meaning and growth-oriented individuals. This is a free service offered by GNC, where participants can look forward to mediated discussion sessions, weekly video conference meetings of the community, and several other events organized by the group administrators. The community has a set of guidelines that all participants are expected to follow. 

Seasonal Services

Our primary services are available throughout the year, scheduled in advance, and designed to meet the needs of high-paced, stressful lives that we all tend to lead. Our services include:

GNC Talks


Curated evenings where six people share six true stories from their lives. Though like an “open mic”, these stories must be from their own personal life experience and must be ‘performed’ or read with feeling and expression. Since these are curated evenings, the stories must be shared with the curators beforehand, and only those accepted will be performed in the evening. The stories will be performed in front of spectators. 

Photography Workshops


Many photography workshops focus on the how-to; the technical aspects of picture-making. In GNC, our photography workshops will focus on connecting our inner selves with the outside world. We will use the camera as a way to know ourselves better while still being anchored in the real world.   

Silence Retreats


We believe that it is within the silence that we will awaken to our true being and clear the dark clouds. GNC offers offline residential retreats, where participants will observe complete silence throughout the duration of the retreat. The retreat will involve various activities such as meditation, breathing exercises, movement (dance), art and sound therapy, flow writing and "flooding" (flow doodling), and walking.


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