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Loving and Accepting the Quirky You!

Quirks? What are They Really?

We all have that one (or more) weird thing that we are either proud of or insecure about. Our weird things, or quirks as we at GNC like to call them, often preoccupy our minds and convince us that we are too different to be good enough. We worry about these things, we try to hide them, we fight them inside of ourselves and we are often embarrassed to talk about them. But you know what? These quirks are what make you, well… you! You have these quirks for a reason. They make you the wonderful, awesome, kickass version of you that you are. They make you beautiful, unique, and awesome.

But Doesn’t this Mean I am Abnormal?

There is no such thing as “normal”. The very concept of normal is so fluid that it changes every few months, depending on what the majority conforms to. There was a time when Elvis Presley’s bell bottoms and pelvis thrusts were completely the norm – men, and women wanted to be him, to look like him, and to dance like him. Now you dress up like Elvis in flared pants and those razor-sharp sideburns, thrusting your pelvis on the dance floor, and you will immediately find yourself castigated as weird. Simply put – there are no defining parameters for what is normal. So why even try? In fact, why not set your own standards of normal for yourself?

So much about loving yourself comes from self-acceptance. So if you feel that you would like to have your desserts before your meal, or do a little dance every time your phone rings, or count the times you chew your food before swallowing it, just allow yourself to be, and accept it as your special thing. Just stop putting so much pressure on yourself for aligning to something that does not exist. Instead, celebrate what sets you apart from the crowd. Celebrate your uniqueness, your quirks, and who you are. Know that the world is your oyster, and you are free to live in it the way you want. Your inner weirdo needs to be let out because the more you try to hide it or trap it, the more it is going to retaliate. To suppress your inner weirdo is to prevent the world from seeing your true self. So, own your quirks. Step away from the herd. Don’t be a sheep. Be unique. Dare to stand out!

So I Admit I’m Quirky. What Next?

So now that you have identified your quirks, next you celebrate them. One of the biggest challenges we face when we are dealing with quirks, or whatever you may want to call them, is that we tend to be very guarded about them. Most of us feel that our quirks are embarrassing and therefore must be kept private. Well, here’s a thought. Why don’t you own your quirks, acknowledge them and wear them on your sleeve? Often, the only issue here is, that you are afraid and shy, or embarrassed to let the world in on this secret.

We say, let the world know how unique and different you are, how bright you shine!

So, here’s a little tip to help you along. Find yourself a safe spot – a place where you are likely to remain undisturbed for this activity. If you have access to a mirror, great! If not, find yourself a pocket mirror and look at yourself in it while saying out your quirk loud and clear. Follow this declaration of your quirk with “I am quirky, and I love myself for it”. For instance, if you are someone who likes to talk to plants, just say, “I love talking and singing to plants. I am quirky and I love myself for it”. Repeat this every chance you get or as often as you want, till you feel you are no longer embarrassed by it and ready to embrace this side of yourself.

Another great way to embrace your quirks is by practicing them with your loved ones, who you know, will love and support you no matter what. They should be a great practice audience for you. Tell them about your quirks, or better still, show them and see their reactions. Most likely, they are going to love you for them. Remember, you can never know what your loved ones will accept and what they will not, unless you give them the opportunity to see it themselves.

So What’s the Lesson for Me Here?

Let’s look at the big picture first. The larger lesson here is that you should never be ashamed of the things you love, or the things that make you interesting. We see so much about loving ourselves, but we often do not understand how. One way to show love is to accept, and if you can do it for others, why not also do it for yourself? It is good to remember, that not everything about us is awesome all the time, but it is also good to know and acknowledge that there are parts of us that are awesome for us. It is only when we practice embracing our fun and also the not-so-fun quirks, we not only show our true selves to people around us but also encourage them to do the same. When you set the precedent by being your complete, authentic self, you allow others the space to do the same. And not everyone will agree – but then, not everyone has to!

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